» Indie Author Day is Friday, November 4, and Saturday, November 5!
Celebrate Indie Author Day with AWAM!
While I haven't yet decided what I'll be doing, you can bet that I'll definitely be doing something!
I will be partnering with my Goodreads group, Book Nerds Unite (BNU), for some events, so be sure to join if you aren't already a part of the AWAM community! Additionally, I will be hosting other activities here on AWAM.
Expect more details in the coming weeks! Feel free to subscribe because I will be sending out the details once they are finalized!
Are You an Indie Author?
If you are interested in participating in the activities or with hosting your own activity, please reach out to me at asia.booknerd117@gmail.com!
Learn more about Indie Author Day!
Check out their website: https://indieauthorday.com/